My recent posts have featured most of my images shot with my trusty iPhone (or my 3Gs Pro) as I call it. The new name is there only to move away from the stigma that iPhone photography has now. For me it was entirely about quieting the mind on the calculations we all make when approach in making an image. Which lens, ISO, shutter and depth of field to name the primary culprits of our distractions. The 3Gs Pro allows me to focus on composing and more composing. I leave the post processing elements where they belong - post. To keep things pure (or as pure as one can be) I try and keep the processing in camera (iPhone) and do as much as possible I can there. Some of the newest apps are quite outstanding. Where can you by an imaging app for 1.99 or a macro lens for 16.99? iTunes for one...I know...I know...I drank the kool-aid a long time ago and have probably gone back for seconds and even thirds. Watch out all you nay sayers because if you have not yet noticed the process is really evolving. A side note - another advantage is that no one and I mean no one ever bothers you when shooting with the 3Gs - no permits or "do you have permission?"...just like it should be - capturing what inspires.
My recent work can be scene at: www.lightyearimaging.com/airhead

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