Thursday, December 18, 2008

The "Edge" of HDR

High Dynamic Range imagery has gotten a bit of a bad rap of late.  Image makers have labelled it with this edgy, illustrative and non-photographic look.  Although it depends on your taste on whether or not this "look" appeals to you or not, it is certainly NOT was HDR is all about.

In fact it is so much more!  Expanding the dynamic range of any given scene has been something photographers have struggled with or some time and once you get a better understanding of what "real" HDR is, you will soon realize that the game has just changed.  That's right - the possibilities are virtually endless.  It has so many applications and creative options and is by no means "push button".  It requires an understanding of what is really going on to get those incredible images.  Images that have no "label", they are just wonderful to look at and are indescribably unique.

Here is a tutorial I recently published through After Capture magazine and even though my taste may not mirror you as a reader, hopefully you wil get a better understanding of what happens behind the scenes.

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